3 Reasons Why I Bought a Camel

and why you should, too...

While in Chad, I often got lost in the Sahara desert.  The GPS I used there would only point me in the right direction to my destination, as the roads I was following weren’t on any map.

I'm so thankful for "99", my camel! Here is a picture of him.This led me, more than once, to cross dry river beds and thorn-bush forests with “Twila”, our Speed the Light vehicle.

I often got all disoriented from following a cow trail, with very few options but to turn around and start back where I left the main road.

And each time I did, I prayed that God would provide the money for me to buy a camel…

Here are three of the best reasons I can think of, why everyone should own one of these “ships of the desert”. (more…)

Our First-Ever Camel Mug Slogan Contest

Update December 15, 2016: We have four winners!  Congratulations to Kelly Blakeney, Sharon Choinière, Patti Earle and Jason Johnstone for their winning slogans!  Be watching; our third and final contest for getting the Desert Springs Camel Mug ready is right around the corner!

We had a contest on our Facebook profile page last month to choose the best looking picture of our camel, whose name is “99”. During this contest, the picture above was known as “Camel Picture #2”.

Our runner up, Camel picture #3

Camel Picture #3

When the contest began, it looked like “Camel Picture #3”, was going to win.

But after several hours of thought, our friends began to favor the picture above.

Then, when the dust had settled, we tallied the results. Camel Picture #3 had seventeen of our friends standing beside him, but twenty-nine friends had chosen to stand by Camel Picture #2. (Two of our friends chose both number two and three, so I just let them stand with both!)

Reasons why our friends chose Camel Picture #2

Our friends who chose Camel Picture #3 mentioned a lot of great reasons for choosing him! However, Camel Picture #2 won this contest. Here are some of the reasons why Camel Picture #2 won the majority vote by a wide margin:

  • He appears to be smiling, even happy (a smile goes a long way!)
