Grace for salvation – and SO much more!
“And God is strong enough to make every grace abound within you, so that you may always have enough of everything in abundance, for the purpose of doing every good work.” – 2 Corinthians 9:8, MWNT
I love listening to Dr. J. Vernon McGee on Thru the Bible every weekday. Recently, he was teaching us about grace as we studied 2 Corinthians.
Classical Grace
Dr. McGee studied Classical Greek before he studied the Greek of the Bible. From him, I learned that Grace is more than the sacrifice of Christ for our salvation. Classical Greek literature describes grace as the kindness a person shows toward someone in need.
The conqueror spares the life of an enemy soldier. An old man finds healing from a lifelong disease. A father gives a merchant ship to his child. All these are “Classic” expressions of grace.
From God or man?
Likewise, our Heavenly Father looks for ways to overwhelm us all with His loving-kindness.
This is how you know if a provision is from God or from man:
If it’s from man, it meets the need… barely.
But if it’s from our Heavenly Father… it is far more than we needed. And it has features and small details we love – but no one else knew it!
I like to call these “the Fingerprints of God.”
As I was living in a camper last year… and winter was almost there, He showed me His grace! When I think of what could have happened had He not stepped in… I am overwhelmed…
Grace is how our Heavenly Father reveals the Good News to the entire world. If you have a friend who is hurting, you could ask Him to show them His grace.
And as we realize what a Loving Father He is, we will be touched, deep in our hearts. And then, how easy it becomes to respond to His call and surrender our lives to Him!
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