Take your place as God’s Gift to Christian Women!

Yes! You! You are not just another guy, or a product of chance! It’s true. When you surrendered your life to Christ, He began a good work in you, and will keep on completing it until the day of Jesus Christ! (Philippians 1:6).

Christian Men: If you are married, stand up boldly in your marriage as the man you truly are! Or, if you’re single, walk into church as you truly are: God’s gift to Christian women!

David Faris, God's gift to Christian Women

This is not something you chose for yourself. You might think of SO many other guys who would do a better job of filling these shoes of responsibility which so desperately need to be filled.

But no one else stood up… So the shoes stand empty, ready for you to fill.

Those shoes are powerful. They brought me all the way to Africa, doing His work in one of the poorest countries in the world. I was in Chad during the Darfur Crisis. Our town got attacked by rebels, and taken over. But, because Christian men like you prayed, we stayed while others evacuated. And through it all, God did amazing things among us.

Don’t play it safe

But for me, somewhere along the way, I stumbled. From 2017 to just recently, I stopped believing the truth about the work Christ did in me. Like when a camel saddle is not packed correctly, I had to stop, and get things back in order.

I spent serious time repenting, healing and learning to stand again. Then I laced up my shoes, and started to walk again.

After a few miles, I realized, in my despair, that I had lost my family along the way.

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How to be led by the Holy Spirit

Have you ever faced a challenging situation where the Holy Spirit showed you what to do?

Holy Spirit, lead me into all truthLiving in Chad as a family so that we could shine for Jesus was full of challenges.  As a result, we relied heavily on the Holy Spirit to bring things to our remembrance.  As Jesus said in John 14:25-26 [MWNT],

I have spoken to you these words while I am still living among you. But this Holy Spirit, the Comforter, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach and show you everything, whatever things I will say to you.

God proved Himself faithful to His Word.  Our greatest successes in Chad came, not as a result of our “great intelligence or ability” (yuck!), but rather from the leading and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

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The Lost Art of Being Resourceful

Mongo (October 14, 2010): We are writing you from the middle of the country.  We are staying at the home of our friends who are working to develop one of the languages here.  While here, we are stretching our resourcefulness to the limit. We are learning how to be resourceful as we try to live in this new, challenging situation.

Being Resourceful is using the resources available to you to their greatest potential.  It’s what you need when normal channels are no longer available to you.  As things get more difficult, it means learning about new resources we may have overlooked.

Our time in Mongo during the dry season has been a University Course in Resourcefulness for us all.

Being Resourceful with water

Resourceful with water for Showers, etc.In the four days since we have been on our own in the Aviles home, the town water has only run once, at 4 AM, giving us about 25 gallons (100 liters) of water into one of two plastic barrels in the kitchen. Such conditions push you to use the water to its greatest potential; we are re-using the water for rinsing the dishes in the morning, to wash them in the afternoon. Then we re-use the water for washing the dishes, to flush the toilet. In fact, we are gathering water in basins from the bathroom sink, from our showers (max 2 gallons per shower) and from washing the dishes to flush the toilet. So we use the water 2-3 times before we finish it.

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