The “best time” to visit Mount Desert Island depends upon your personality. The seasons change dramatically on the Island throughout the year. This provides a best time for a wide range of personality types. After all, each season fits people differently.

Some would say that the summer season is not long enough here. But in a way, our summer is far more valuable than the ideal conditions one would find in places where the weather is warm and sunny year-round. For it is the long Winter nights which make Bar Harbor, Maine and New England Summers the best you’ll ever experience!
Here on Mount Desert Island, there is a season that is just right for your personality type as well.
In the paragraphs below, try to out find which season best fits your personality. If more than one description matches who you are, which of them is the strongest of the bunch?
Thus, as we take time to reflect on who we are inside, we will know the best time for each of us to visit Mount Desert Island.
Summer: The Best Time for Extroverts, Singles and Families (May 10 to October 27)
If your priority is to experience the island at its fullest, then come in the summer. During this time, all the restaurants and shops which will be open this year, are now open. The boat tours are all running. The Island Explorer buses are making their rounds. Bar Harbor is running their town concerts. Guides and other tourist services are busily doing what they do best.

This is a great time for singles to come and visit Mount Desert Island. Most singles don’t travel alone. When school is out, or your summer vacation rolls around, bring your best friend with you. See what might happen over a steak, a traditional lobster bake, or a hike up the Precipice.
Yes, every shop, restaurant and tour is running at this time… but so are the cruise ships. In July, there can even be three cruise ships docked in Bar Harbor Bay at one time!
As a result, the lines will be longer. Thankfully, I have some suggestions to help you avoid the crowds as much as possible during the high season.
And hopefully, you are here in the season that best fits you… and love making friends with strangers. As you wait in line, you may meet lifelong friends who wait together with you for the next big step.
A Warning to Summer family visitors

If you are coming as a family, don’t schedule your vacation to Mount Desert Island the last week or two before school starts.
It would be far better it is to make your visit to the Island a Mother’s Day tradition, a week or two after the kids get out of school.
Between the rush to get up here, the huge crowds vying to see what you want to see and the stress of getting home in time for the kids’ first day of school, those who head out to Bar Harbor a week or two before school starts are setting themselves up for stress and disappointment.
Early Spring / Late Autumn: The Best Time for Penny-Pinchers, Couples Without Children and Hikers (April 3 to May 10, October 28 to November 30)
If your priority is to get the most value for your money, spring and autumn offer some of the best deals around, especially for lodging.

And, of the two, spring is better than autumn… for, as we implied before, the diligent are more likely to be rewarded with a great vacation than those who make reservations at the last minute.
Most hotels on the Island drop their rates and offer special deals during these seasons. It’s amazing how satisfying it can be when your hotel room is a third of the summer price. Will you choose to stay for three days instead of one… or upgrade to a suite with an ocean view and a fireplace?
I call this the very best time for couples without children to enjoy the Island at a refreshing pace. The cruise ships are not docking as much in the Bar Harbor Bay, so reservations at the busiest restaurants are no longer necessary. The people you meet are relaxed, and enjoying themselves. This is the reward reaped by those whose schedule is not tied to a child’s school calendar.
Shopping for bargains
It’s true: many of the shops and restaurants in Bar Harbor will be closed. Thankfully for you, those which remain open in the autumn begin to offer 10%, 25% or even 50% off storewide sales! They do this to empty out their remaining inventory.

This savings frenzy comes to a climax during the weekend of the Bar Harbor Pajama Sale and Bed Race. In fact, we have guests who regularly reserve their place at the Inn at this time each year to provide amazing Christmas presents for their family, their friends (and themselves 😊)
Some like to shop until they drop; others like to focus on hiking and getting outdoors. The Mount Desert Island Marathon takes place in the autumn. Runner’s World magazine named it the Most Scenic and Runner up Best Overall Marathon you can participate in.
These mountains, trails and pathways make it a delight to get into shape, and stay in shape… together with the one you love.
Winter: The Best Time for Hermits, Visionaries, Authors and Broken Hearts (December 1 to April 2)
If your ideal vacation includes shutting yourself into a beautiful hotel room and enjoying the warmth of a gaslit fireplace by the light of the full moon outside, then winter in Bar Harbor is for you.

As a new year begins in January, it is the perfect time for goal-setters to come to Bar Harbor. The sun doesn’t rise until 7 AM. After a delicious breakfast, shut yourself in your room. Write a novel. Pray about a life change. Get that important project done that will take you to the next level in your business.
If your heart was broken last year, come to Bar Harbor in the winter to recover.

Sleep late. Watch movies. Come see the dramatic tides of the Christmas season, where the ocean entirely covers Sand Beach… and, six hours later, allows you to walk dozens of feet past the shoreline, with ease.
It is true that, during this time, more hotels are closed. And yes, there are even fewer places to eat. However, there are still enough choices to keep you wondering what you will eat for lunch or supper each day.
Which season best fits your personality? Or, have we left out your personality category entirely? If so, please let us know by contacting us, or leaving a comment below.
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