Has your Heavenly Father ever led you down a strange pathway you did not understand? You know He was in it, but it just didn’t make sense. Or the consequences you may face by going down His road shook your trust in Him to the core.
When life is hard, I encourage you to trust Him completely. No matter what. He knows what He is doing. And, in His economy, nothing is ever wasted.
When we face difficulties along the way, it shouldn’t be taken as evidence that you missed His direction. Many times, it’s proof you heard Him well!
Desert Springs Ministries began in 2014. From the time we finished laying the foundation, I had a heart to help the millions of tourists visiting Mount Desert Island as part of our fund raising strategy.
It made no sense. It wasn’t terribly grounded in reality.
And yet, I was convinced that if I could help some wonderful visitors have a better vacation by giving them insider advice that helps, some of them would get to know us, and begin to support our ministry.
When things don’t go as expected, trust Him
Even today, I’m embarrassed as I remember my first attempt to get the attention of tourists.
While wearing my Muslim-African outfit, I stood in the rain at the intersection after you get on the island. I held a sign, encouraging passers-by to support our ministry.

Most had no idea what I was up to. Reactions seemed to vary, from confusion, to pity, to hate. Thinking I was part of a cult, a few people shouted, “Go home!” Others drove just close enough to me to know that I was not welcome.
When I got home, it stung. I prayed, and God spoke.
The following season, I produced a full color booklet of lesser known restaurants and shops on the Island. It was called “Hidden Gems of the Island” and it was beautiful!
I passed them out in downtown Bar Harbor… but no one was willing to give even the suggested donation of a dollar. Most refused even to take one.
I still have a box of these brochures to hand out, even today. If you would like one, please let me know.
With each failure, learn something useful
In principle, I really believe our Heavenly Father led me towards this unique way to raise funds for Chad, Africa.
Nothing significant has ever come of these efforts, yet. However, with every failed attempt, I learn something useful.
Looking back, I can see that He was leading me all the way. As I stood in the rain that day, He already knew that someday, Desert Springs Ministries would close. Further on, MaineStreams Christian Media Ministries would open.
In 2019, I started working at the front desk of the Bar Harbor Inn. Although this job fits me so well, I didn’t choose this hotel on purpose. It was just the job God opened up for me to support my family and I.
After a while, I showed those brochures that no one wanted, so rejected, to my boss. She loved them so much! She asked, “Where have you been all these years? We’ve needed your talents here!”
So now, I produce two trifold brochures for the hotel to inform our guests of all the restaurants that are open in town, so they can choose the best place to eat for their family.
We’ve passed out at least 6,000 of these lists during the 2020 tourist season. Guests eagerly take one, and testify that they find them extremely useful toward having a successful vacation on Mount Desert Island.
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