If God leads you to bring MicroBibles into a country, you can easily hide them, and even make an infinite number of copies when you arrive.
Here are five great places to hide a MicroBible:
5 Great Places to Hide a MicroBible while Traveling

If God leads you to bring MicroBibles into a country, you can easily hide them, and even make an infinite number of copies when you arrive.
Here are five great places to hide a MicroBible:
“How can we keep waiting for the day that life will be safe again? The people whom the Lord has given us, our people, are waiting and praying daily for our return in health and with peace of soul.”
“Wait patiently” doesn’t mean the same thing in Africa as it does in the United States. In America, we might decide to come back later if the line has seven people waiting in it. We might call back if the