The Missing Bible Verses

Below is a list of the Bible verses missing from most modern translations of the Bible.

They aren’t missing from Wycliffe’s Bible.  Or from Luther’s Bible.  Or from Tyndale’s Bible, or the Geneva Bible.  We can find them in the King James Version of 1611 and the New King James Version.

Textual Criticism

Wescott & Hort's Greek New TestamentThey disappeared around 1881, when Westcott and Hort developed a new source text for New Testament Bible translation called The New Testament in the Original Greek. 

Since then, the study of textual criticism of the Bible has been popular with theologians.

If my understanding is correct, proponents of Textual Criticism believe that they can discern words from the original Books of the New Testament by applying man-made rules by committee to ancient biblical manuscripts.

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