When to make sacrifices to keep your job, and when to walk away

In my last post, I talked about how you can know when it is time to quit your job. In many ways, it is easier to know when to quit. Yet the pressure of your “life context” can make you keep working in a toxic work situation longer than you should.

However, some jobs are definitely worth the sacrifice you must make to keep them! When you find one of these, it is worth it to stay where you are rather than to run away from it.

How can you tell the difference? Below, you will find four questions you can ask to know for sure whether you should keep your job, or not.

Question 1: Do you have a great boss?

If so, keep your job, and make it work. Job satisfaction is worth far more than the money you make. And who knows? With time, you may move into a position that will make you so glad you stuck it out!

Keep your job if you find a boss like Mark and Ramona did!

I learned this tip from my dear friend Mark Vaillancourt. Just before he got to start working at Casa Shalom Orphanage in Guatemala, he told me about his job.

Mark worked as a handyman for a guy who truly cared for him and his family. His boss would often ask how they were doing. Their work relationship was much more than a paycheck. It was a deep friendship, a mutual rivalry between boss and employee to give out more than they received.

Mark and his boss made a deep impression on me.

I found such bosses at the Bar Harbor Inn. Whether it’s Jeremy the General Manager, David the Owner, or Josh and Laura, my supervisors, I’ve been blessed with the best. In the challenges I’ve faced, they genuinely care about how their guests, and employees, are doing.

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