Our story begins in Poland during the Cold War. No one was allowed to have a Bible in their home, and house churches were illegal. During this time, Brother Andrew risked his life. He would hide printed Bibles and bring them into Romania. God used him to strengthen the church behind the communist curtain, which was at risk of dying out.
The Bibles Brother Andrew brought in were big enough to see. Yet God faithfully closed the eyes of the border patrol guards. He had to bring them in because he could not hide a printing press big enough to print Bibles inside of the USSR.
Webcams can see in the dark. You can hide a High Definition 1080 Video camera inside of a pen. Drones, both small and large, can keep an eye on us from almost any altitude.

Things have changed a lot since the Cold War era. With the advancement of technology and the internet, governments have a much easier time keeping an eye on their people.
At the same time, the technology has also advanced in favor of the Bible smugglers! A 256 gigabyte MicroSD card is only the size of your thumbnail. Yet it is big enough to carry audio Bibles in over 100 languages at once! And as soon as it gets into a country where the Bible is illegal, its contents can be loaded millions of times into computers, cellphones, and other electronic devices!
Thankfully, most countries will not have a problem with you bringing in a printed Bible or a MicroBible. In fact, you should have a few handy to pass out to the customs officials along the way!
However, if the country you are traveling to is likely to give you a problem, here are some suggestions:
- Remove the SD card cover; only bring in the MicroSD part.
- Bring in several copies at once, hidden in different pieces of luggage. This is for when the x-ray machine destroys one of the copies in transit.
- Point it facing straight up when passing through an x-ray machine. From the top, a MicroBible is practically invisible
If God leads you to bring MicroBibles into a country, you can easily hide them, and even make an infinite number of copies when you arrive.
Here are five great places to hide a MicroBible when traveling to a country where Bibles are illegal:
Hide it under the sole of your shoe
The best place to hide a MicroBible in your shoe would be in the area just under your heel. However, the glue or stitching in your shoe’s sole might require you to put it somewhere else.
To prepare a small pocket under the sole for your MicroBible, point the edge of a MicroSD card toward where you are going to hide it. Press it into the gap slightly, using the edge of the MicroBible as a blade to loosen the glue. Keep pressing it in until it fits, with a few millimeters to spare. Pull out the MicroSD card, place the MicroBible snugly into the pocket, and you’re ready to go!
Just remember not to walk through puddles or wash your shoes until you reach your destination.
Between your toes
One of the easiest, most convenient places to hide a MicroBible is between your big toe and the toe right next to it. As you are getting your shoes on to go to the airport, hold the MicroBible between your toes. Put on your socks, then your shoes.
When passing through an airport checkpoint, you will usually be required to take off your shoes, but not your socks. If they do make you take off your shoes, drop the MicroBible into the sock before taking it off. Hopefully, your sock will smell bad enough that they will let it go without examination.
In a money belt
I have this great money belt I love to travel with because it is non-magnetic. I usually don’t have to take it off when I go through airport security! But even when I do, the belt sits in the basin in such a way that a MicroBible is straight up as it passes through the x-ray machine. As a result, it is virtually undetectable.
To prepare to travel with your MicroBible in a money belt, fold it into some of the money you will be traveling with. Fold it again, then one more time. Unzip the money belt, and push the money into the space provided. Repeat this until your money belt is full.
In the rare event when a customs official wishes to see the money, open it in such a way as to let the MicroBible fall on to your lap. Then pick it up when you can, or kick it under a table or something.
Hide them in a book
MicroBibles can be taped into books, notebooks, and notepads. However, don’t tape them too close to the binder or the edge of the paper, or it will open up the pages and serve as a bookmark to the page where it is hiding.
No one will be able to see a MicroBible when you tape it to an illustration with black ink using invisible tape! Tape it in a book that is known to speak favorably about the country you are traveling to, and no one will think to look inside it.
Under the lining of your suitcase or briefcase

There is a zipper in the inner lining of most suitcases. If you have a black suitcase, a MicroBible hiding behind the lining can’t be seen, no matter how hard you look for it. However, even if the suitcase isn’t black, I never see customs agents going through the inner lining of a suitcase when they do a search.
And just to be sure your MicroBibles reach their destination, here are a few more great places to hide them:
- Inside a cellphone, radio or an MP3 player – but not in a computer or tablet. Some governments will take your computer, and hold it long enough to install spyware on it. If a MicroBible is in there, it may not be when you get it back. But I’ve never known a government to check a radio, cell phone or mp3 player for content.
- Among your underwear – Customs officials hate to have to paw through someone’s underwear when doing a search of their luggage.
- Inside your deodorant – Buy a deodorant with a black cap, and tape it to the cap with invisible tape. It’s such a strange place to hide a MicroBible; who would think of it?
- In your pocket – a pocket looks empty, even when it has a MicroBible in it.
- In your dental floss box – each dental floss box has a secret compartment under it.
Do you have a favorite place to hide a MicroBible? If so, please let us know by leaving a comment below: