Christians understand the struggle with sin that everyone else faces, for we are all human.  All of us have a tendency to do evil.

Jesus, the Lamb of GodWhat makes us different as Christians, is that we believe what the Bible says.  We believe that Messiah Jesus, after being born of a virgin and living a sinless life, suffered the penalty we deserved.  By doing so, He paid the price for your sins and mine, no matter where we are from or what label we wear.  And then, He rose again to prove that He had won our victory over sin and the grave.

There is no sin so horrendously evil, that the sacrifice of the Messiah Jesus on the cross is unable to forgive.

This is the most amazing, encouraging message that has ever been told… and this is why we call it “The Good News”.

The Good News

And now, to get to Heaven, we must admit that we can’t get there on our own. We must be deeply sorry our sinful life and the pain it caused to God and others.  Then, we hold tightly to what Jesus did to fully pay the penalty for our sin when He died on the cross at Calvary and rose again.

Christians struggle, too

We don’t have to clean ourselves up before we come to Christ.  In fact, a full awareness of the distance between us and a Holy God allows us to approach Him more easily, for “Christ came into the Good News: Christ is the Path to Heaven (source: wikimedia, Path to heaven: 

Field of Colza)world to save sinners.” (I Timothy 1:15) He will not despise a broken and an contrite heart. (Psalm 51:17)

Without Christ, we struggle with the distance between us and a Holy God.  As Christians, we know that we have a Messiah who forgives us whenever  repent. By His Holy Spirit, He helps us to live a more holy life as described in the Word of God.

Being a Christian doesn’t take away our troubles.  In fact, Christ Himself promised that we would have trouble in this world. (John 16:33) What makes the difference for us as Christians is that He promises to be with us through our troubles. (Matthew 28:20)

The Good News is this: God loves and cares for people, no matter where they come from. He is willing to welcome you and me into His family as brothers and sisters, no matter what.

Have you ever received God’s gift of Heaven through the sacrifice of the Messiah Jesus?  If not, we urge you to do so today.  Turn off your phone or computer, and take some time to pray to God right now.  If you have questions or need help making this very important decision, please contact us.