Is it better to teach a person how to go fishing, or to fish for them?
If we do all of the fishing for someone, they become dependent on us when they need a fish for supper. In the short term, the skill we have which no one else has allows us to grow in importance.
However, when no one knows how to do what we do and the demand for our craft is strong, our workload increases. It becomes impossible to keep up.
This is why we prefer to teach others how to produce their own MicroBibles rather than do all of the work ourselves. When it comes to the MicroBible ministry, we tell all:
- where to buy the equipment and supplies
- how to use the equipment
- the steps necessary to design a MicroBible
- which format is best for your audience
- what quality of microSD cards to buy
- format installation and use for each type of phone
- how to distribute them effectively
- … and so much more!
Because there’s such a great need all over the world, God needs as many willing “fishermen” as He can find. The task God gave His Church is too great to ever try to keep up with it all alone.
Fishing Classes: Now Open
We can help you provide MicroBibles in the languages where you serve, and show you how to buy and use the equipment necessary to make your own MicroBibles.
Because of God’s help, we now have friends now distributing MicroBibles in taxis, along the streets, in the marketplaces, etc. This gives them lots of opportunities to share the Good News. As a result, people in restricted countries are listening to the Bible for the first time in a language they can understand.
And you can be one of them!
With your help, those who are fearful of the suspicious eyes of those around them can listen to the Bible in private when no one is around, or as a group, depending on the situation.
Those you seek to reach don’t even need an internet connection to access His Word. In fact, they don’t even need to know how to read to access the hope found in God’s Word!
From the moment they snap the MicroBible into their phones, they can hear about the life of Jesus.
Behind the scenes: So much more
There is SO much more going on behind the scenes than what you actually hear about on the news. In fact, when the headlines are really bad, God is at work far more than we can imagine!
We invite you to become a part of serving the refugees, the cities and villages where you live!
In the work of God, there is no unemployment! Would you like to come and join us “on the open seas”? We invite you to join God’s team who is providing MicroBibles to friends around the world, in over 80 different languages. Please contact us to let us know how God is leading you, and how we might be able to work together.