Yes! You! You are not just another guy, or a product of chance! It’s true. When you surrendered your life to Christ, He began a good work in you, and will keep on completing it until the day of Jesus Christ! (Philippians 1:6).

Christian Men: If you are married, stand up boldly in your marriage as the man you truly are! Or, if you’re single, walk into church as you truly are: God’s gift to Christian women!

David Faris, God's gift to Christian Women

This is not something you chose for yourself. You might think of SO many other guys who would do a better job of filling these shoes of responsibility which so desperately need to be filled.

But no one else stood up… So the shoes stand empty, ready for you to fill.

Those shoes are powerful. They brought me all the way to Africa, doing His work in one of the poorest countries in the world. I was in Chad during the Darfur Crisis. Our town got attacked by rebels, and taken over. But, because Christian men like you prayed, we stayed while others evacuated. And through it all, God did amazing things among us.

Don’t play it safe

But for me, somewhere along the way, I stumbled. From 2017 to just recently, I stopped believing the truth about the work Christ did in me. Like when a camel saddle is not packed correctly, I had to stop, and get things back in order.

I spent serious time repenting, healing and learning to stand again. Then I laced up my shoes, and started to walk again.

After a few miles, I realized, in my despair, that I had lost my family along the way.

All I could do was cry in pain, for days, and months. I was completely devastated. I became less brave, and a lot more careful.

Christian Men, look around you

Slowly after my disaster hit, I started to look in the churches around me… and was shocked by what I saw.

Christian men, lost in the spiritual desert along the way.

I discovered that I was not alone.

Throughout the churches in the western world, many of the unmarried men I saw are the nicest Christian guys you could imagine. Most of them have all sorts of friends that are girls, have never had a girlfriend… even though they would like to be married someday.

Other Christian men were in marriages where their wife rips them apart. I don’t know if it’s out of spite, or because she desperately hopes that someday their man will flinch, show signs of life, rise up and take his place as the warrior in his home.

Kevin’s Story

I took note of what I saw. And then, I met Kevin.

His story changed my life.

On the last Sunday before the Coronavirus closed our churches here in Maine, I was laying hands on him with my pastor. We were asking God to save his marriage and help him know how precious he is to Christ… a reality he had a difficult time grasping.

Then, on the next Sunday, he was found dead in his home of a stroke.

He died of a broken heart.

I saw what he had lived through; it was horrible. No man should have to go through such abuse and disrespect.

On that day, I committed myself to stop believing the lies the devil had told me. I made a firm decision to stand up and take up my role as a Man of God.

Christian Men, let’s fight together

Christian Men of God, trained as warriors, ready to fight
status quo, no more

Certainly, God uses ordinary people, even the weakest among us, to accomplish extraordinary things.

But ladies: before God finishes His work in our lives, and through this website, the best men to marry anywhere in the world will be the Men of God you find in church, whenever the doors are open. They will:

  • be stronger than steel, but kind
  • face their challenges courageously, never backing down
  • rest confident in who God is and what He has done for them

Good Christian Sir, I invite you to join our band of Christian Warriors:

  • Together, we’ll stare the devil in the face, and fight fearlessly
  • Secondly, we won’t just stand our ground. We will take back what belongs to us.
  • Though I cannot guarantee you’ll come out of this battle alive – I can tell you that you will live, and die, bravely, as every man should.

So, are you ready to face the challenge with me, and learn with me how to use your Sword?

If so, please let me know how I can contact you whenever we release Christian Warrior communications from this website:

    Take your place as God’s Gift to Christian Women!
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