through translating the earliest complete English Bible into Modern English
During a difficult time in my life, God placed it on my heart to begin translation of Wycliffe’s Bible from Middle Ages English into a modern, easy to understand English.

This provided me with the opportunity to produce an easy to understand translation which:
- is faithful to the earliest complete copies of the Bible in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek,
- is not biased by the debates of church history that would follow,
- provides insight into what life was like in the Middle Ages, and
- is poetic and beautiful.
It took three enjoyable years of translating, and four years of revision to complete the New Testament…
And now, it’s time to work on the Old Testament translation

Lately, to meet my living expenses, I work four days a week answering phones at Gallery Leather in Trenton, Maine.
At the end of the summer of 2023, I asked my boss for an additional day off. I so wanted to begin working on the Wycliffe Old Testament that I took this step of faith!
When you designate your gift to go toward the Wycliffe Translation Project, I am a little more free to develop languages and translate the Bible for those without it.
I have begun this fun yet challenging task by working through the book of Proverbs.
John Wycliffe’s Purpose Continues

Wycliffe and his team of translators were the first to translate the Bible into the commonly spoken English of his day. His work allowed England to understand the Bible for the very first time. And many blessings came to the nation as they understood what God expected of them, and how much He loves them.
I would like to invite you to support this Wycliffe Bible translation project through your prayers and financial support.
Those who donate $16 or more per month will receive copies of the Biblical books as they become ready for publication.
In addition, you will be supporting Bible translation and Christian literature production among those who don’t yet have the Scriptures in their language.
Here are some of the outreach projects in the works:
- making the radio program we produced in Africa available on our website and by podcast
- prayer guides and a newsletter to promote prayer for Bibleless languages
- a dictionary for a language in the Sahara Desert
- the revision and publication of Luke in an African language
- … and other projects
Thank you in advance for whatever you may do, by prayer or support, to support Bible translation and language development in the Sahara Desert!
How to support this project:
1. Sign up to pray
2. Checks can be sent to the following address:
MaineStreams TPS
P.O. Box 312
Ellsworth ME 04605